From 5th to 14th of October 2020, the APFAA partners engaged into the final seminar of the project. The goal of these several distance-meetings was to assess the project achievements and to prepare future collaborations.
The involved staff reviewed the activities developed and evaluated their success, focusing on the quality of the results and the quantity of students, teachers and organizations that have participated into the project and will benefit from it.
Mongolian partners, as the main beneficiaries, consider that APFAA reached its objectives and are confident that its achievements will have a very positive impact in the future on Mongolia Higher Education system and food production.
Some partners have already engaged into new cooperation projects, and others should be soon developed, as the collaboration led during APFAA has been really fruitful for the staff and institutions involved.
Partners from the APFAA project were reunited during a distance meeting on May 20th. The main subjects of the meeting were project management and monitoring of the activities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
As a great part of exchanges between partners were initially based on mobility, partners agreed on an updated roadmap for the project during this encounter, with a focus on distance trainings to come.
Experts from University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) will take in charge trainings on food hygiene, as researchers of Agrocampus Ouest (France) on food analysis and e-learning. Experts from Banat University (Romania) will pursue their training on computer management of farms.
Complementary trainings could be done at the start of next university year, maybe on site if the health situation allows it.
From Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th of December 2019, project partners met in Rennes to hold a transnational meeting, two years after the beginning of the project. This meeting was the occasion for partners to meet again, to exchange good practices and to pursue the project activities.
Objectives of this week:
- Project management : assessment of achieved activities and planning of events to come
- Workshops and trainings linked to the project activities : online learning, microbiology and food hygiene, vegetable production in greenhouses, rural development
- Visit of a technological facility : STLO technological platform for milk transformation
Among the partners involved: 7 lecturers from Agrocampus Ouest, 6 lecturers from Mongolia, 2 lecturers from Mongolia and 1 lecturer from Spain.
The following week, 2 lecturers from Mongolia stayed in Rennes to follow a microbiology and food analysis advanced training. They will then adapt the training to their own courses back in Mongolia. At the same period, 2 other delegates from Mongolia went to Spain (USC, Spain) to work with USC partners on e-learning and technological platform use.

Complementary training period in Mongolia conducted by the Romanian partner
Experts form Romania moved to Mongolia to conduct a training on the benefits/costs analysis and to ensure the development on an interactive training business platform. It will serve as a pedagogic tool for students to simulate the costs of a farm.
To implement precise and adapted data in this tool, an visit on-field was made in a farm of the Dornod province in Mongolia by the delegation.

The aim of the trip was to know more in detail the centers of training, investigation and also exploitations and industries of the dairy sector in Galicia, as well as his economic potentialities and in the field of the R&D.
After an official encounter at the Lugo Campus, the delegation visited a wide range of various training and R & D centers related to the agricultural sector, as well as farms and dairy industries.

The main objectives of this mid-project transnational meeting from April 22 to 27 of 2019 was to assess the progress realised by the Mongolian partners and to discuss about the management of the project. This event was the occasion to see that some of the equipment purchased was already in use at this time of the project.
Moreover, it was the first “face-to-face” encounter of the new project manager from the coordinating institution with the Mongolian partners and GERES staff in the country. Most of the discussions were about the management of the project and the pursuit of the activities.

Mongolian researchers and lecturers travelled to Romania to follow a training on economics and management dispensed by Romanian experts.
More specifically, the focus was on the following content : use of analysis methods, planning and decision making in agriculture and food processing based on a developing management platform.

For this exploratory visit in Mongolia, a delegation from EU landed in Mongolia on June 11 of 2018, for one week of work. This delegation was composed of 3 managers, 2 lecturers and 1 administrative staff from France, and 1 lecturer from Romania.
During this week of encounters and activities, they visited the 3 partner universities and especially the departments of the Mongolian staff involved. The European delegates also met with rectors and vice-presidents of the concerned departments.
This meeting was an opportunity for the Mongolian partners to show their facilities (laboratories and existing online learning equipment at MUST) and explain how they intended to apply the project strategy.
Staff from GERES, another partner of the project who work directly in Mongolia, has built a solar passive greenhouse for MULS. The EU delegation assisted to the inauguration of this greenhouse, in presence of representatives of the French Embassy in Mongolia.
The official kick-off meeting of the project took place in France from March 11th to 17th of 2018, with the visit of a Mongolian delegation to the coordinating institution, Agrocampus-Ouest. The 15 delegates were from all three partners universities in Mongolia (NUM, MUST and MULS) and were in majority lecturers, with also technicians and administrative staff. During their stay in Rennes, they met with the French staff (lecturers and administrative) and the project coordinator, who reminded them the general objectives of the project.
This event of official encounter was also an opportunity to begin to work concretely on the project activities. That is why the project team organised several meetings with lecturers and visit of technical equipment, with a focus on these activities:
- Development of online learning in Mongolia: visit of technical equipment available in Brittany at the Université Bretagne Loire facilities, discussions about the strategy of online learning implementation in Mongolia
- Creation of career centres in Mongolia: presentation of the interest of developing relationships between universities and private companies and of supporting the students in their development of soft skills to find their future job
- Management of the project and planning of the next activities to come