Work packages
The project implementation is subdivided into 7 work packages.
1. Preparation
The project preparation implies the creation of workgroups into the Mongolian partner universities that will implement the activities on site and the staff training. Partners lead exploratory missions in both Mongolia and EU. They define a work plan and program the project activities. Moreover, the preparation also requires the purchasing and installation in the country of the equipment necessary to an efficient development.
2. Development – Introduction and implementation of e-learning
The implementation of e-learning requires to train the lecturers to use this tool. European experts conduct these trainings, with sessions in both Europe and Mongolia. Then the lecturers produce content for their online courses, available for their students. The installation and assimilation of e-learning equipment and tools will allow an effective diffusion of the developed content.
2bis. Development – Complementary technological trainings
In order to answer to the very specific needs of the food production market in Mongolia, the project plans complementary technological trainings needed in selected areas, conducted by European experts. Related equipment is purchased. The first domain involved is agri-food and in particular milk and meat transformation, with the implementation of a technological platform. Market gardening is the second area concerned, leading to the building for experimentation of a solar passive greenhouse and related trainings. The last domain is economics and management, where trainings are conducted and a digital platform for computerized management of farms is implemented. In the future, all equipment and trainings should benefit to students and professionals for lifelong learning.
2ter. Development – Pedagogical activities improving integration into the professional world
A successful integration into the professional world is a key objective for young graduates, that is why it must start during their studies and be supported by the university. Specific trainings for lecturers about relations between business and higher education world are planned, and so are different activities for students such as : lectures about the functioning and organisation of a company, workshops with professionals, internships and job fairs.
Indirectly, the new perspectives of lifelong training developed through the project activities should improve the links between universities and companies.
3. Quality assurance
The consortium and its designated delegates control each activity implanted during the whole project period. This control is about the quality of the implemented actions, each being evaluated in regard of the work plan and expectancies. The delegates study also the quality of the relations between partners. Advancement and final reports are planned. The European Commission is also monitoring the project during its life period through regular reports and exchanges with the consortium and managers.
4. Dissemination and exploitation of results
A communication workgroup among the partners spreads the project results during and at the end of its life period. This communications aims both an internal (lecturers, students, partner universities) and external audience (other universities, stakeholders, companies and EU partners). A website and an event at the end of the project allows a communication for the general audience. The results diffusion will be realised in English and Mongolian. Additionally, all content created should be diffused through online learning.
5. Management
Agrocampus Ouest assures the global administrative and financial management. The National University of Mongolia conducts local management for the three partner universities in the country. The project consortium monitors the general management.